I have chosen this book because I really liked the cover. Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purpose. The first thing that really got my attention when I got the book was the quality of the printed version; it is really nice handy book.
Wilson looks at the history and legacy of five different cities: Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London and New York and try to establish the case why these cities influenced the world more than others and how they were interconnected in the history. Since the book is some 200 pages and thus one city has only 40 pages each, you do not expect concise history or deep detail insight. For these you would need to look for some different books. However, if you expect refreshing reading with sense of humor and surprising ideas, this book is for you.
I have enjoyed reading this book. I generally like the books that are provocative to my brain and force me to think, agreeing or disagreeing. I do not like the books that state the obvious. Wilson book has at least one surprise (but often more) in every chapter. Of course, he writes from a Christian perspective and his love for C.S. Lewis, Calvinists and else is clearly visible. But he provides enough thoughts to think about and for this I would recommend this book.
5 Cities That Ruled the World by Douglas Wilson has four stars out of five from me.
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